An upstander is someone who stands up for what is right and what
they believe in they stand up to support , protect ,care and help others.
An upstander acts to make it right when something's gone wrong for
example a person needs help of course an upstander would help them
out or what if there’s a little kid getting hurt or being bullied an upstander
wouldn’t just stand there and stare him/she would do something about it
and also help that person out.
Helping others who are being bullied
You see a person getting bullied and you want to tell that bully
but sometimes It’s kind off a bit hard to tell a bully or someone to
stop because sometimes they just don’t really listen. You should at
least get someone older or just get their parents and if they still don’t
listen just try and take care of the person they are bullying and make
sure and him/she is alright be a friend.
Stopping untrue and hurtful messages that could hurt other people
and yourself.
If someone tells you rumor that you know it’s untrue or if they
send you a message about someone else and it could be really
hurtful to that person. Stand up and let that person know be an
upstander let that person know that it is wrong. Think about how
you would feel if someone spread an hurtful untrue rumour about
you it would hurt i know because that happened to me before but
someone told me about it and that person who spreaded the rumour
off and now that person is now my best friend not the person who
spreaded the rumour.
Respecting others
Respect others differences and help others to respect
differences too. It’s cool for people to be different that’s
what makes all of us unique.
Thank you for reading this